Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Date #28 An Odd Bird

NAME: An Odd Bird

AGE: 30
OCCUPATION: Graphic Designer
TYPE: Trendy Asian (Chinese)


The penultimate date and a very strange one. I walked in and he had a very "put-off" vibe about him. There was an awkward 5 minutes while we waited for drinks when we didn't talk. Eventually we warmed up to each other and we actually started chatting. We talked about the normal "ex-pat" things and then he dropped the bomb. HE HAD A BOYFRIEND.

The way he dropped it was weird because he was quite nonchalant, but he couldn't resist looking to see my reaction. His way of making up for it was saying it was an open relationship. That term just grates on me. Just break up already. It's a rather common thing in the gay world, these open relationships. They are very strange to me so of course I had to ask 20 questions. I found out they had been dating for a year and while they connected mentally, it was not the same story in the bedroom. That is why he's on the gay GPS app. I made it very clear that I was not looking for "fun" so it turned into more of a friendly coffee.

He was another one who was in a 9-5 at 23, lead a very conservative life, had a life crisis, decided to move 6,000 miles away and became a different person. I can understand the appeal, but he went a bit extreme. To be truthful, he was a very interesting person. If we met under different circumstances, we may have gotten on better . . . but not today.

We were together for about 2 hours and there was no real chemistry, even in the friendship way. He kept inviting me to walk around with him and he took me to meet his friend at another coffee shop. That's the strange part. If I had just met a buy off the GPS app, I would never introduce him to one of my friends. Yet he did and it was awkward. They promptly went off to get drinks and I stayed to write the blog. He invited me along but I declined.

Tonight is the final date. I wanted # 29 to be special and I've chosen a certain someone to spend it with . . . I'm uber excited.


Until we rendezvous again,


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