Friday, 24 February 2012

Date #22: Blah

Date  22 of 29.

NAME: Blah
AGE:  31
OCCUPATION:  Website Manager
TYPE: Scrawny All-Saints
DATE RATING: 1 1/2 Stars

So I met with Blah during his lunch hour for coffee.  He seemed like a really nice guy online, but sometimes nice isn’t exciting.  He grew up in a suburb of London and now lives 5 minutes away from his family home and commutes into the city everyday.  He’s stable, sorted and lives on his own.  In some ways I envy guys like that because they never have to worry about life getting in the way or whether or not they can afford their monthly tube (subway) pass.  In his case though, he was completely devoid of any passions and arguably any personality either.  

Now I know that’s horrible to say, but not once throughout the date did he seem excited about anything or anyone. He has his life, his routines and was content.  I don’t think I could lead a life without passion.  While I am a “starving artist living my dream” I sometimes don’t know where my next meal is coming from, but at least I’m working towards a dream.  This guy was just going through the motions day in and day out. I think what he needs is more of a companion than a lover.   

While he was nice and never said anything offensive (besides the fact that he didn’t like Nando’s... and thats a deal breaker for me), I could tell that he wasn’t attracted to me.  There was no handshake or hug when meeting or leaving.  It could have just been nerves though.  I realised that I need a bit of excitement, a bit of a laugh and I don’t think I could get it with this one.  It’s not like he was all that into me anyways.  

In other news, tonight is my second date with Date #16.  I’m really rather excited. Is it weird that I’m more nervous about the second date than the first? 


Until we rendezvous again,


1 comment:

  1. How could anyone not like Nando's?? Yeah, there's something wrong with that guy, haha.

    It seems pretty reasonable that you'd be more nervous about the second date with #16, since you like him. Before the first date you didn't go in with those feelings, it was a blank slate.
