Friday, 17 February 2012

Date #16: Lovely

Date  16 of 29.

NAME: Lovely 
AGE:  30
TYPE: European Preppy
DATE RATING: 4 1/2 Stars

Wow. First off, I can honestly say this is the first Slovakian I’ve ever met.  He looked a bit more Italian/Spanish, but once he opened his mouth I heard his subtle sexy Eastern European accent and melted.  Being in the UK for 12 years, he’s lost a bit of it but it was definitely not British.  If I’m being honest, I kind of liked that. (Don’t be mad) 

We went to one of my favourite lesser known pubs in Central London that I hadn’t been to in a while. We sit down and there was an immediate chemistry and a good balance  between small talk, jokes and a bit of sarcasm.  He is doing his life in reverse of me.  In his late teens/early twenties he moved around and travelled. When he turned 24 and decided he needed to go to Uni.  He’s 30 now, still at Uni but has a head on his shoulders.  That’s my kind of student.  

I don’t want to jinx it, but I really liked this one and I think he felt the same way. Throughout all of these dates I’ve lost the plot a bit and can’t tell if they actually like me romantically or not. It’s become a bit more of a tiring machine than an organic romantic process.  I regained my humanness on this date and it was nice. There were definite awkward moments but then a few sexual ones as well.. and it doesn’t hurt that he’s bloody gorgeous! 

Yesterday I made a rule that I wouldn’t be the first one to contact any of these 29 guys. Tonight he texted me on the way home and thanked me for a lovely evening. He said lovely. I say lovely. I love the word lovely. I want to see him again. He works at Starbucks on Saturdays... maybe I’ll pop in for a Caramel Frappuccino.

The craziest part is that 16 is my lucky number. I didn’t even realise it was Date #16 until I typed it up tonight. 

LIKELIHOOD OF 2ND DATE: Me thinks so... 

Until we rendezvous again,


1 comment:

  1. YAY! This one sounded "lovely" :) Can't wait to hear more - Go to Starbucks!!!
