Thursday, 1 March 2012

Date #29: The Final Date.

Date  29 of 29.

So... the final date. I decided for Date #29 I would choose one of the guys that I’ve already dated. You may be able to guess that I chose #16.  He seemed to just mesh with my life perfectly.  We decided to make dinner together at his house. Food is the way to my heart, so even though this broke my cardinal rule, I happily accepted.  

I cannot fault the evening. There was a lot of laughter, playing around while cooking and deep conversation about family history.  Then we decided to watch a movie. Wicker Park.   I was in such a state of joy during the film that I finally thought through this crazy blog I had found “the guy.” At that moment I could see myself being with him. 

Then it all just fell apart.  

Now I’ve gone on 29 dates and haven’t slept with a single one of them.  However, by the fricking THIRD DATE I expected it to advance a litte.  Am I wrong? We were lying in his bed watching the film, cuddling and kissing every now and then.  I remember thinking something didn’t feel right to me.  It just didn’t click.  His skin was just too soft, almost like a layer of wax.  That’s when I realised I had no desire to even see what was between his legs. After the film was over we started making out. It was nice. Then he gets up as things start to possibly go a bit further.  I asked if anything was wrong and he chose to respond with: “I just don’t feel like it.”   Yes.  You read that right. He didn’t FEEL like it. Now if he had said he was tired and had to get up early, then I would understand.  No, he chose those words to utter.   After that moment, I just lost all desire for him and I think we both realised our mutual lack of sexual chemistry.   We both certainly found each other attractive, but didn’t want to roll in ze hay.   While I think there is SO much more to a relationship than sex, if the passion isn’t there on the 3rd date then it won’t magically appear in the 3rd year.  

So here I am after 29 dates still completely single without the prospect of a boyfriend.  I may go on second dates with #2, #19 or #26, but I don’t think I will actively pursue them.  

This has been absolute roller coaster of a month, but I want you to know that due to popular demand I will not be leaving the blog world.  A new exciting blog on gay dating and culture (this time with videos) is in the works. I hope you all will switch over when it is created. 

Now... to the matter of my identity.  The blog is over so I think it is safe to reveal who I am.  My name is Bo and I am from Indianapolis, Indiana currently living in East London.  I’m an actor, aspiring writer/director who is currently waiting tables to pay the bills.  I am not your average gay. I don’t care if you have a six pack (I sure as hell don’t) and I do not talk about Brangelina or Britney.  Feel free to stalk me on twitter @Bo_Frazier where I will be posting about my new blog (as well as @29days29dates). Hopefully this is not the last you will hear from me. 

Until we rendezvous again,



  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your 29 dates. I look forward to following your adventures in your new blog.

  2. Very nice finally meeting you Bo, I look forward to hearing about more dates and following your next chapter. I hope that you do find someone, and hopefully you'll fill your trusty followers in on it! Best of luck!

  3. Nice to meet you, Bo. You got style!

  4. I would go out with you. Why? I am curious what would u write about me. And as I am complicated and fucked up that could be a good experience for me. Maybe finally I'd understand why the fuck I am single being smart and kinda handsome.

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  6. Great post yo must be a very busy man! I have just done a post on Irelands first gay matchmaking festival called The Outing if anybody wants to read it? Thanks Breda

  7. Hi,

    My name is Hayley Mathis, and I'm the editor-in-chief of, an all-inclusive dating resource site.

    A bit about We launched about a year and a half ago. We see 250K unique visitors and 500K page views per month. We offer advice from industry experts like Dr. Wendy Walsh, David Wygant, Julie Spira and more! We frequently get mentions from CNN, FoxNews, HLN and others.

    With that said, I wanted to see if you would be interested in guest blogging for us! If so, let me know and I can send you the details.


  8. I think that can happen quite easily in dating as you have described, in online dating while we can have all the conversation, chats and photo sharing, when we meet in person it is a different thing. I guess still the fun is in trying out different things, some we may like others we may not. I would say to meet new partners no creditcard free gay dating sites would be the best, as this way you can have dates and spend the nights as well and then decide if things will work out other wise simply move on.

  9. Looks like you knew it when you saw the guy that something wasn't right. I don't care about open relationships meaning if both parties are for it, then OK. But the guy should have told you that before you took the time to meet him. Seem selfish. By the way, a good place to look at rated gay dating sites before joining one is The site researches and then analyzes gay personals sites. There is a gay bear site reviewed and other gay sites and there is also a blog with stories, advice and current event news. I know it's hard to find out every last thing about a prospective date even when you ask all the right questions, but if one makes a complete profile with all expectations made clear, the odds are you won't have a disappointing surprise. Good luck.
