Sunday, 26 February 2012

Date #25: Scatter Brain

Date  25 of 29.

NAME: Scatter Brain
AGE:  31
OCCUPATION:  Radio Interviewer
TYPE: Pocket Gay. 

Let me just say that I am so unbelievably sick of going on dates with guys who used to be actors.  Once they find out that I’m actually still pursuing my dream, they just dump their regret on me and I am done with it.  Believe it or not, I have a life outside of theatre and I don’t like talking about acting 24/7.  

Scatter Brain (imagine the 34 year old version of Beverly Leslie from Will and Grace) invited me to go see a play with him tonight.  I don’t usually say yes to movies or plays as a first date, but for the sake of something other than dinner or coffee, I was up for it.  I got to the theatre and picked up the tickets that he had booked. I looked on them and they said “£0.00 COMP Tickets”.  He had told me they were £10.  Thank god I lost my credit card yesterday and had no money to give him to pay for the tickets, or else he would have basically made a profit from this date.  The cheek! It could be paranoia and maybe all the tickets say that, but it was all a bit sketchy.  He showed up barely  5 minutes before the curtain, so we had no time to talk.  I was basically watching this play with a stranger.  In the beginning he tried sitting really close to me and rubbing knees with me and I was just a bit put-off.  He did make a comment that he was happy I actually looked like my pictures.  

After the play (that had no interval) we find ourselves roaming around Dalston trying to find a place that will take his debit card to go for drinks. After about 20 minutes, we end up at Nando’s.  It was actually in NO WAY my idea, but I was not going to complain about free peri-peri chicken!   So we sat down, finally start to actually chat and it is like this guy is in a complete other world! His brain is all over the place, he rarely finished his sentences and made references to his friends and their conversations as if I knew his whole backstory.  The whole time I was just a bit dazed and confused. Every time I would say something it was as if he didn’t hear a word I said. He just kept expanding upon everything he said.  If I started a new conversation, he seemed to get distracted by a shiny object and blurt out something completely random.  He then proceeded to invite me back to his place when we were done with dinner. I shut that down right away and sent him on his merry little way.  

LIKELIHOOD OF 2ND DATE:  In his dreams. 

Until we rendezvous again,


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